Friday, October 23, 2009

Az.Short Sale Specialist/Loan Modification

Don't let a foreclosure ruin your life!!!!!!

If you live in the greater valley of the sun, here in Arizona I can help you.
I have been in this business for some time and I still take classes all the time because things keep changing, but this is my job. If you want someone to help?, and I mean help! I want to see you save your home, but, sometimes you just got to face the fact and the only right way to do it, is to try and sell the home as a short sale. Dealing with the banks is not fun, thats what I am here for.

Life isn't over just because of a mistake or a takened risk, it is just life. So many people think they are the only ones, not true. As of this post, I just did a search and in maricopa alone, there was 5000 other people dealing with the same problem.

If anyone in Az. would like some more information on this matter, you can just click on my name and go directly to my web site and send me an e-mail. All mail will be kept in private.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Arizona Short Sale / Loan Mod

Today is the day, if you are 30,60,90 days late on your payments let me help you. I am here to help Arizona residents with all their real estate needs. Don't just let the house go back to the bank, foreclosure is not the way to go. I can help you with a loan re-mod, and worst case, lets list the home and get a short sale done. In many cases I can have mutiple offers in 2 weeks and your life will be on track for recovery.

Are you tired of all the stress, phone calls, dealing with the banks or worst some guy from some country that doesn't even speak clear english. Make the move and get some relief, call me at 602-628-5290

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The House Flipper

Yesterday, I and one of my clients went out and preview homes. There was some real duzzzzie out there. Some of the so call Investors that buy at auction and try and flip the home, they need to get ready for the new coming of time. Hiring some 8 dollar an hour guy to paint, ain't going to cut it any more. I hope that these Investors will be held accountable when they can't sell and want to walk like they have in the pass.

Here in the coming months the banks are trying to put a floor in the housing industry, not allowing everyone to just walk, and I think its great. Hold their feet to the fire.

If you are an investor and want to do it right! Hire a professional!!!!!!!!!

Enough of the Sunday blu's, this is a great time to go fishing. Grab a pole, some bait and enjoy the day with your family and friends at the lake:)

As always its easier to smile then not.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Unique Builders LLC

Unique Builders of Scottsdale Arizona has been doing remodel work on some of the foreclosed homes for his buyers. One thing that we have noticed in most of the homes are bugs.

We suggest that besides hiring a bug man, clean the yard. Alot of homes have been sitting and or have never been really cleaned up. People like the overgrown look, but thats where the bugs hide. Clean around the bottom, get rid of all the dead bush,leaves and then spray your yard. You will have a much better result.

As always have a great day, smile and be bug free with alittle yard work.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Short Sale vs. Foreclosure

Which is the better choice?

Losing your home is major concern that some of people have. But there are some options that are available to Homeowners.

Foreclosure the Worst. Loan modification ( about 5% can get approved per my resources) Short Sale which is the best way if the 2nd is no option.

Almost any option is better than a foreclosure. Simply stated, do anything you can before this occurs. While a short sale will still have a impact on your credit score, a foreclosure is like the black hole.
A Short sale will lower you credit score by some 200 points but it can be shortly overcome. If at all possible try and keep one or two credit cards and keep them current.

The best tip I can give is don't try to do this alone. Have a professional help you through these trying times. Using a third party member will allow the emotions to stay on a level playing field and should help the process to go smoother, even though its still a unwanted experience.

I hope my thoughts help.... as always keep a smile.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Backyard Home Owner Project

Neighbor was tired of walking thru the dirt to his shop and wanted to add some walkways without pouring concrete.

After a few hours of work Saturday we got a good start on this do it yourself job. Hopefully next weekend we will be done. This job is a 100 foot long walkway that is winding thru the yard.

All we used was sand, bricks and a little sweat, but its going to be a great improvement to his yard.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Housing in Az. has been hit hard, but it is starting to come back in full swings. I read this article and thought I would tag it. I think it has a real good over view of the housing market and where it is heading.;_ylt=AptYI15xPIDMzAsPE1sPnqZO7sMF;_ylu=X3oDMTE1NTlvdTUwBHBvcwM1BHNlYwN0b3BTdG9yaWVzBHNsawNob21lc3dlZXRob20-/*


This was an interesting article.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Real Estate news

As of this morning there are about 24340 houses for sale in Maricopa Co. The average sales per month are at some extreme highs, around 7000 plus.

These are being driven by the cheap prices and the investors buying them up.

Don't miss the chance of a life time, contact me or another agent and let me show you some of the great deals in the area.

Foreclosure, this is not a good choice. As a professional in the business, There are many options for home owners, get a fresh start by just a phone call.

As always have a great day, smile and open a door for a friend.


Up and Coming

This is our first post and the start of a new blog for my clients and visitors. Over the coming days we will fill in some of the area's so that it becomes user friendly.

We will have a section call Ask The Builder. It will allow people to get a question answered by a professional builder, with a very non bias opinion. We have a couple of some projects going that will be illustrated, for the do it yourself homeowners.

We will have a Real estate blog probably daily talking about where the market is going and whats the future looks like. This will be a great section for the Investors.

And always some talk about the stock market and politics.

I welcome all of you, this blog is for information and investment idea's.

Visit us on the web ..

Have a great day