Saturday, August 21, 2010

Land Sales in Arizona are UP!!!!!

Wow, in the last couple of months, land sales are going strong. With all the talk of a bad Real estate market you can't see it in land sales.

All I know is that, everyone that I talk to, land or should I say lots will become in short supply. Why you say, its easy. No one is putting money into development of raw land. Typically it is a 2 to 3 year out look for raw land developers to get their splits and infrastructure in. No one has been doing anything for the last couple of years. So when things do turn, we are going to have a time when lots are of a shortage.

We have a few great lots left and are always looking for deals.

For all your building and Real estate needs just send us a note and we will help you out.

Thanks and have a great day from Sunny AZ.